Ripple Cut Flower Farm was born from a deep desire to steward this land we call home and to get back into a deeper relationship with the ground below my feet. Flowers with their stunning beauty, thoughtfully mark the milestones of our lives and gently transform us with pure fragrance, dancing blooms and sweeping palettes of color. Mother Nature astounds me daily and keeps me curious. It is a joy to grow, create and share with you the divine beauty that we are graced with!

Locally Grown Cut Flowers



In Greek Mythology, Persephone is the Queen of the Underworld. She represents life and death and embodies the necessary cycle of dying and springing back within the plant world. She reminds us through this pause that we too require periods of restoration and reflection. And, given how long our winters are, we also need beauty!

Summer Bouquets

Gift your loved one flowers throughout the season to use when they wish! Bouquets will be available throughout the summer and into early fall at the Barn Space located on the Farm or a centrally Located Shop in town. Once purchased, a gift card will be emailed to you that you can use to pick up your pre-paid summer bouquets, at your convenience.


As a self-described, dirt worshipper, my love for nature was planted young. Now, my deep-seated desire is to be a steward to this land we call home and to work with Nature to allow the stunning beauty to thoughtfully mark the milestones of our lives and gently transform us with the pure fragrance, dancing blooms and sweeping palettes.